sobota, 19 lipca 2014

How I captured Lagiacrus.

How I captured The Lord of The Seas.

After that urgent quest with Lagiacrus, I decided to make that quest with capturing Lagi. But, I wasn't go there withour any prepairing!

How I killed Lagiacrus.

How I killed The Lord Of The Seas :

I was playing MH3U, like everyday on holidays. I had the 4★ quests already and there comes the
I expected some Dobo or something like that, but there was he. The mighty Lagiacrus!

środa, 16 lipca 2014


I won't write guides until 20.07, because I will be on holiday break!
But there will be guides that I wrote before!

See you at 20!

wtorek, 15 lipca 2014

MH3U Guides : Barroth!

Barroth Guide :

Barroth - Brute Wyvern that is living in Sandy Plains and Deserted Island. He has got a brother - Ice Barroth.( or Jade Barroth).

poniedziałek, 14 lipca 2014

MHFU Guides : Khezu

Khezu Guide :

Khezu is a flying wyvern that is living in Swamps and Cold places.
He is in a crew with his guys : Red Khezu, Gigginox, Baleful Gigginox.


Hi guys, I only want to say that I'm on Facebook too!
So, If you like my guides and if you have a facebook, go and like my page! :D
See you later!