sobota, 19 lipca 2014

How I killed Lagiacrus.

How I killed The Lord Of The Seas :

I was playing MH3U, like everyday on holidays. I had the 4★ quests already and there comes the
I expected some Dobo or something like that, but there was he. The mighty Lagiacrus!

I looked at the reward :

- "Huh, only 2400? That may be some easy sh*t"

So, I got my Plume Hammer, maked potions, said "bye" to my piggy and left the village.

Quest started. I got items from chest and go for Lagi! I had an idea when he will be.
And I'm right, he was in area 5. There was a cutscene and the fight started.

After first five minutes, there wasn't bad at all. I used only 3 First Aids and one Whestone, so I was prepared for next 30 minutes of battle. I was charging my hammer and spin or smash Lagi's head.
That was useful strategy. It was easy, until our wyvern went to the water.

It wasn't so hard that I expected. He just was charging at me and doing some tail spins.
- "That's all you have Lagi?"
It wasn't all he have. After break his chest, he stopped for a while. "What the f*ck is he doing?" I evade in case of some charge, but there wasn't any. Then I saw that light crystals on his back. He did a strange pose and maked something like Khezu's Thunder Shield, but it was bigger!

"My God! It is soooo beautiful!"

I was standing and watching this awesome show, when suddenly he charge at me. That's hurts!

I attacked him so much, broke everything that is possible to break and he wasn't dead.
There were only 20 minutes left. Items were slowly disappearing. I was very frustrated.

"He is escaping again!"

I was ready to fail at this quest, when I saw that Lagi's limping! Area 12! GOOOO!
I was so determinated! I was hitting him with red sharpness level! There coming the last combo!
AND HE'S DEEEEEAD! MY GOD! FINALLY! I carved him and got back to the village. I spotted that my Cha-Cha is gone!

That's the end of the first part of my Tales with Lagiacrus - The Lord of the Seas!
Hope you enjoyed watching and Bye!

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