wtorek, 15 lipca 2014

MH3U Guides : Barroth!

Barroth Guide :

Barroth - Brute Wyvern that is living in Sandy Plains and Deserted Island. He has got a brother - Ice Barroth.( or Jade Barroth).

Let's Start :

Barroth is weak to three elements :

Fire - When his body is clean.
Water - When his body is covered by mud.
Ice - Useful on both states.

Bring Potions, Mega Potions, Whetstones, many Cleansers, Paintballs, some traps and Tranq bombs.

There are two ways to beat that guy.
First - You want to kill him fast and go to the next monsters.
Second - You want to capture him and get as many items as you can.

If you are the first one, stay here and read, if you are the second one, go to the next paragraph.

Barroth has some really dangerous movement when enraged :

Charge -  Barroth is getting his head to the ground and charge at you! It's easy to spot, but if you aren't focus, it' gonna be bad. Especially when he is in rage mode.

Mud Shake - Barroth is shaking his body and throwing mud balls around himself. It's can be performed only if Barroth is covered by mud.

Head attack - Barroth is hitting the ground with his head. If he has a mud on his head, it will cause him to throw 2 Mud Balls, If he doesn't, it will be only a head slam.

Fast Kill - Okay, equip a weapon with Ice element and focus on Barroth's torso and arms. These are his weakest spots. Try to destroy that mud cover at first. Keep attacking his arms and torso until limping or death.

Items Kill - You can go with a Hammer ( I recommend Frozen Core) - then you will break his parts much faster. You can go with some cutting weapons - then you will break parts slower but, you can get a tail. Your choice. First - break his mud cover, then focus on :
Head - If you're using hammer.
Tail - If you're using Cutting stuff.
Break his head or sever his tail and focus on arms. You can break that part too. When you have break the arms, keep attacking his head until he will be ready for capture. (It's better to capture him - you'll get more items.)

That's all. Good luck with fighting this guy! See you later!

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