poniedziałek, 14 lipca 2014

MHFU Guides : Yian Kut Ku!

Yian Kut Ku Guide :

Okay, It's Monday, so it's time to some MHFU guides! Today, Yian Kut Ku - Badass Chicken.

Kut Ku is living in Forest and hills, Jungle, Old Volcano, Unknow Great Forest, Tide Island, Hidden Forest and Swamps.

Let's start!

It's good if you have a weapon with Ice or Water element, if you have, equip!
Bring everything you want,(Potions, Whetstones, etc).

1- Get items from the chest and locate that chicken.

2- When you located him, throw paintball and focus on his head,(If you have Ice element or none, if you have Water element, focus on wings.) You can try throwing a Sonic Bomb, it will cause him to drop a shiny.

3- Fight should be easy, just roll and evade his attacks :
Tail Spin - Kut Ku does 180 degrees spin. (two times in a row.)
Fire Ball - He can shoot fire ball at you. (Up to three shots)
Charge - Kut Ku is charging at you!

4- Watch out him when enraged. He can do FIREBALLSSHOOTIN'CHICKENCHARGE!
He is transformating into Super Badass MotherF*cker. Just go towards you like retarded chicken, shaking his head to left and right and shooting fire balls everywhere.

5 - His "ReadyForCapture" signals are folded back ears and limping.

6 - If you are having problems with that guy, I can only say that he is the weakest wyvern in the game :).
Just kidding, try setting some traps to do free damage on his head and wings. That should help.

That's all! Good luck and don't let Kut Ku show, who's the boss in the town!

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