sobota, 12 lipca 2014

Qurupeco Guide for Beginners!

Qurupeco Guide :

It's first harder monster in MH3U, it's so annoying man. If you're fight him at first time, better get some more time for this quest. Peco is Bird Wyvern that is living in Sandy Plains, Misty Peaks and D.Island.

Let's go!

1 - Bring more potions than usually, more whetstones, paintballs, flash bombs,sonic bombs,tranq bombs, dung bombs, pitfall trap and shock trap. Sonic bombs will interrupt his dance,(he can summon other monsters like Arzuros, R.Ludroth or Rathian, heal them and give them some buffs by dancing.) Pitfall trap will be useful for breaking his beak, Shock trap can be use for capturing. Dung bombs will make Peco escape from area, useful when there are two bosses in same area.

2 - Get everything you need from the chest and go locate the monster.

3 - After the cutscene, Peco will escape and leave you with summoned monster, if it's an easy guy, kill him and go for Peco. If it's bigger monster, just escape and go for Main Monster. When they'll be together in the same area, just throw dung bomb on Peco. He'll escape in more than minute.

4 - You can break his beak and claws/flints (x2),so focus on them and break them at first, set a pitfall trap and break that beak. Watch out for his fire and spit attacks. He can spit three or more mucky balls at you. If you get hitted by one of them, your Fire Resistance will get lower, then be really careful about his fire attacks.

5 - When his beak and filnts are destroyed, focus on that red voice sac and keep attacking him.

6 - Watch out for limping, when he is limping, follow, set a trap, throw tranqs and be happy! You have captured Qurupeco!

Hope you enjoyed and see you later!

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