piątek, 11 lipca 2014

MH3U Guide for New Players! No.1

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Guide!

I'm writing this guide because I know how a new hunter is feeling when he
coming into game for a first time. You are confused of all that sh*t that is in MH.
So many things! What is that? Why is that? What the f*ck?!
But don't worry! I'm here to explain everything as a MH veteran.

1 - Getting Started!

Okay, you're in the game, first cutscene watched, all of conversations complete, but, what's next?
Go to the center of that village you are in.

Look up, there is your house, you can change armors, weapons, put items from your pouch into the chest and vice-versa, just read the options you can find there and you will know everything about your "base".

Look on the left, there is a girl in red clothes, she can give you some quests. Later, there will be a cat which can cook a meals for you.

Look on the left again, but a little lower, there is a general shop. You can buy some Herbs, Trap Tools and other stuff. There is a piratelooking cat. He can transport you to Multiplayer port! If you have a friends with 3ds, you can play with them! Sadly, you can't play online with people around the world.(So Sad.)

Look on the right! On top, there is an Equipment Shop and a Blacksmith. In Eq Shop you can buy some weak armors or weapons for upgrading into better things. In Blacksmith, you can forge armors and weapons using money and monsters items. In the middle of the right side, there is a man on boxes. He has villager request that are necessary for upgrading your farm, you can also generate Resource points from :
-Killing big and small monsters! (for example, G.Jaggi killed in Moga Woods is worth 150 Rp.)
-Giving him items for sell (?)!(for example, Iron Ore is worth 5Rp.)
You can check a Moga Forecast, it's giving you information about Big Monsters, Monsters Breeding, etc.
in Moga Woods. Now, look on the bottom of the right side, there is a bridge. Go there and you will be at your Farm. At Farm, you can plant some stufff, collect mushrooms and insects and do other sh*t.
Just read the text alright?

Okay! Now you have some knowledge about your village! It's time to CHOOSE YOUR WEAPON!

2 - Choose your killing tool!

In MH3U, you have more types of weapons than MHFU or older MH.
So, I'll describe these, that I'm usually using.
There are :

Great Sword! - (+) - Do some really damage, you can break/cut off things with some precise moves, you can guard!
                         (-) - It's really slow, beginner hunter should have a problem with it.

Long Sword! - (+) - It's really good weapon, not to small damage and not too slow, Spirit Gauge can kick monster ass, it have quite good elemental and sharpness.
                        (-) - It deal more damage when you hit with a middle of the blade(it's not easy!),can't block.

Sword and Shield! - (+) - It have good elemental stats, it's so easy to use! You can carve without hiding your weapon! Very fast. Can do some guard. Good for Newbies.
                                (-) - It have smallest damage in whole game. It's very hard to break or cut off parts of monsters.

Hunting Horn - (+) - If you're playing in group, it's SO F*CKING USEFUL MAN, it can give your whole team some really cool buffs, it have quite good damage, you can stun your enemy.
                        (-) - Slow,quite hard to learn how to evading,attacking and playing notes.

Hammer! - (+) - IT'S OP SO MUCH! You can stun with this, deal some REALLY big damage, quite good elemental, easy and fun to use(that charging attack is so powerfull).
                  (-) - Quite slow, you can't guard, your charge is eating stamina, it's impossible to cut off monster parts.( but you still can break it!).

Bow - (+) - Good elemental, charging attack, many kinds of coatings, easy to use.
           (-) - Don't have big damage at all.

That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed reading, and see you tomorrow!


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