piątek, 18 lipca 2014

MH3U Guides : Duramboros! (Shakalaka Savior II Urgent)

Duramboros Guide :

Hello, today, we're going to beat that Dobo in Shakalaka Savior II Quest.

Let's go!

1 - Get many healing items if you aren't experienced in MH. Bring your Pitfall and Shock traps. (You'll get Pitfall at the start of the quest, but it's better to have some more.) Bring other stuff that you'll need. (Whetstones are necessary.)
- Equip your best armor and Fire element weapon. It's no matter what kind of weapon you'll take, you can break everything with any weapon. (Read at the bottom.)

2 - Shakalaka will alarm you and you must go to area 2. After the cutscene, the fight will start.

3 - There is my scheme to beat Duramboros in 20-30 minutes. (Depend on your skills and how much Fire element your weapon have.)
a) - Throw a paintball and start to attacking him. (If it's your first time against Dobo, just try to learn his moves for some minutes, I'll describe his attacks later.)

b) - Set a Pitfall Trap, when he'll be in, focus on that Humps on his back. (You can break them.)

c) - If he's free, focus on his horns. Be careful, you can break them, but when you do, Dobo can counter-attack you with charge. So, when you see, his broken horns, just try roll away.

d) - If his Horns and Humps are break, aim for his tail. You can break it and if you're do enough damage, Dobo may drop it. After break, you can mine items from the tail.

e) - Keep fighting until Shakalaka will say that he is weak already. Watch for Dobo limping and capture him or just kill.

Attacks :

Duramboros has a very unique attack that is probably my favourite move. I call it :

Fabulous Tail Spin - Dobo is starting to spin his tail and its getting faster and faster. (Dobo is during a fantastic princess pose at the same time!) He is slowing down at the end, jump into the air and land with tail strike at the hunter. That looks awesome.
Duramboros can do this attack with three different ends that are easy to spot.

1 - When he is in normal/rage mode, it will be just like always, he'll land on you with Tail Slam.

2 - When he is in normal mode and without much stamina, he will spin for three times and fail. There is your chance to deal damage into the Humps.

3 - When he's in rage mode and without much stamina, he will get to the fast spinning and fail at the end.

Except that things, there are some more attack that every monster have. You will do this bro!

That's all, thanks for reading, good luck and see you later!

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