piątek, 11 lipca 2014

Arzuros Guide For Begginers!

Arzuros Guide : 

Arzuros, also known as Aoashira, is a blue bear that lives in :
Misty Peaks, Deserted Island and Flooded Forest.

Let's start the Guide!

1 - Bring some potions, whetstones and paintballs, rest of important stuff you'll get
     at the beginning of the quest. Arzuros is weak to Fire and Ice, so weapon with
     that elements will be good.

2 - Okay, when quest started, go to the blue chest, and get some goods.
      (Shock Trap, Tranq Bombs, Ration, First Aid Med are important.)

3 - It's time to locate the beast. I can't tell you where he'll be, because that depends
     on what quest do you choose. (Misty Peaks - Area 5, Deserted Island - Area 3)

4 - When you already find him, throw a paintball to mark that bear,
      (it will help you to locate him after his escapes.)

5 - OH MY GOD! YOU HAVE BEEN SPOKEN! He will roar at you and show his mighty hands!
      "Geez, he needs a manicure!" you can think.

6 - After that, he'll charge at you. You can stay like a real man and get some scars,(Ladies love scars!)but           it'll be better when you dodge.

7 - During a fight, don't attack him from front, because you'll get some really damage.
     Attack his butt,(what?!) this is Arzuros weakest spot and you won't get hitted so much.

8 - His attacks are simple :  2 charges :
 First - Arzuros is on his four legs and he's running at you.
 Second - Arzuros is standing on two legs, his arms are up and he charging at you, trying to hug you.
       Our bear can do some claw attacks too :
 First - He is roaring and smashing everything in his road. He is swinging up to 3 times.
 Second - When you're hitting his butt, he can do a 180 degrees spin and scratch you with his claws.

9 - Okay, after 10 minutes of nonstop hitting his butt, (whaat?!) you must be carefull and watch his moves.
     Attack him occassional, and wait for his escape. When he's ready for capture, he's trasformating in 
      super sad bear that is escaping from evil hunter. limping. Just follow him to the next location, set a trap,
     wait for Arzuros walk trough trap and throw Tranq Bombs (It's usually 2 bombs needed).

That's all! It wasn't that bad huh? Hope you enjoyed that guide and Bye!

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