niedziela, 13 lipca 2014

Royal Ludroth Guide!

Royal Ludroth Guide!

Okay, I know that is Sunday today, but here is guide!

Royal Ludroth is a Leviathan that is living in Deserted Island and Flooded Forest.
Breakable parts : Mane, Crest and Tail.

Let's Start.

1- Bring Potions,Whetstones and everything you need.

2- Locate monster.(D.Island - Area 10,9,5, Flooded Forest - Area 1 or 2)

3- The fight should be easy, just watch out for Body Slams and Water Bombs. If you are using Hammer or Hunting Horn, focus on R.Ludroth's head and mane. If you're using cutting weapons like GS, LS or Switch Axe, focus on tail and when you will cut it off, start to attack his mane and head.

4- When the fight will go underwater, attack R.Ludroth's sides. It is the safest way to do some damage I think. You can throw Sonic Bomb at him, it may cause it to drop a Wyvern Tears.

5- Try to break all parts before kill/capture.

6- It's time to explain R.Ludroth's usually moves.
Body Slam - Royal Ludroth lifts it's body to slam it down. Then SLAM!
Water Bomb - He can shoot at you Water Bomb that can cause Waterblight. R.L. also can do Water Bomb Charge, it's charging at you and shooting water bombs at his sides in the same time.
Barrel Roll - He's getting up his head and rolls toward the hunter.

7- When everythings is break and R.Ludroth is weak, go after him and capture or just kill.

That's all, hope you enjoyed and see your tomorrow!

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