sobota, 19 lipca 2014

How I captured Lagiacrus.

How I captured The Lord of The Seas.

After that urgent quest with Lagiacrus, I decided to make that quest with capturing Lagi. But, I wasn't go there withour any prepairing!

How I killed Lagiacrus.

How I killed The Lord Of The Seas :

I was playing MH3U, like everyday on holidays. I had the 4★ quests already and there comes the
I expected some Dobo or something like that, but there was he. The mighty Lagiacrus!

środa, 16 lipca 2014


I won't write guides until 20.07, because I will be on holiday break!
But there will be guides that I wrote before!

See you at 20!

wtorek, 15 lipca 2014

MH3U Guides : Barroth!

Barroth Guide :

Barroth - Brute Wyvern that is living in Sandy Plains and Deserted Island. He has got a brother - Ice Barroth.( or Jade Barroth).

poniedziałek, 14 lipca 2014

MHFU Guides : Khezu

Khezu Guide :

Khezu is a flying wyvern that is living in Swamps and Cold places.
He is in a crew with his guys : Red Khezu, Gigginox, Baleful Gigginox.


Hi guys, I only want to say that I'm on Facebook too!
So, If you like my guides and if you have a facebook, go and like my page! :D
See you later!

MHFU Guides : Yian Kut Ku!

Yian Kut Ku Guide :

Okay, It's Monday, so it's time to some MHFU guides! Today, Yian Kut Ku - Badass Chicken.

Kut Ku is living in Forest and hills, Jungle, Old Volcano, Unknow Great Forest, Tide Island, Hidden Forest and Swamps.

niedziela, 13 lipca 2014

Royal Ludroth Guide!

Royal Ludroth Guide!

Okay, I know that is Sunday today, but here is guide!

Royal Ludroth is a Leviathan that is living in Deserted Island and Flooded Forest.
Breakable parts : Mane, Crest and Tail.

sobota, 12 lipca 2014

Qurupeco Guide for Beginners!

Qurupeco Guide :

It's first harder monster in MH3U, it's so annoying man. If you're fight him at first time, better get some more time for this quest. Peco is Bird Wyvern that is living in Sandy Plains, Misty Peaks and D.Island.

piątek, 11 lipca 2014

MH3U Guide for New Players! No.1

Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Guide!

I'm writing this guide because I know how a new hunter is feeling when he
coming into game for a first time. You are confused of all that sh*t that is in MH.
So many things! What is that? Why is that? What the f*ck?!
But don't worry! I'm here to explain everything as a MH veteran.

Great Jaggi Guide!

Great Jaggi Guide :

Great Jaggi is big sized mix of Jaggi and Jaggia.
He's been spotted in most of MH3U locations.
That dog may be challenge for unskilled hunters,
but only for 2-3 fights. Later, he'll be easy as f**k.

Arzuros Guide For Begginers!

Arzuros Guide : 

Arzuros, also known as Aoashira, is a blue bear that lives in :
Misty Peaks, Deserted Island and Flooded Forest.